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Michel Walk With Me Of Charlot`s Farm


Name: Michel Walk With Me Of Charlot`s Farm BH
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 07.01.2021
Body color: blue merle
Trim color: White/copper
Tail length: long
Weight: 27 kg
Height: 58 Cm
HD: A1
ED: Frei/free
LÜW: Type 1
MDR 1: +/+
Hereditäre Katarakt/hereditary cataracs: Frei/free
Prcd-PRA: Frei/free
CEA: Frei/free
DM: Frei/free
NCL: Frei/free
MH: Frei/free
Hiplaxity: N/HL
MH: Frei/free
HUU: Normal
CMR1: Normal

Von-Willebrands D.:    Träger/Carrier
Junctionalis Epidermolysis..: Normal
Hereditary Ataxia: Normal    

Sire: NorthbayXsell`s Smiling Boy
Dam: All Of A Sudden Breezy Of Charlot`s Farm

ASCA Registration:   E 219595


Michel is from the first litter of my own Dam Breezy. Michel lives with Karin and Herbert, together with another puppy of our's Frida.
I had chosen our own sire Wils for this litter, because he comes from the show line and already had created great offspring with Breezy's mom, Vega. Wils simply brings a lot of calm. This was also evident with Michel.

Breezy gave birth to 8 great puppies within 6 hours. Michel was the third puppy to see the light of day with a weight of 320gr. The birth was completely uncomplicated.

Breezy did what she was supposed to do with great concentration and a sense of duty.

Karin and Herbert had already signed up before the birth and wanted an Of Charlot's Farm dog with their Frida.

After the first visit, it was already clear that it should be the blue merle. A name was quickly found, Michel. The name Michel fits him perfectly.
He first had to convince Frida of his qualities. She is a princess in the house. Michel succeeded, and after just a few days, the two were a great team.

Karin visits a dog club with him and they do Hoopers and Obedience Rally. He has already taken part several tournaments with excellent results.
He passed the companion dog test with flying colours as the winner of the day. That's Michel.

Michel has a great will to please, and enjoys working with his human.
He is just a charming dog who meets strangers and animals openly and friendly.
He especially loves children and is very empathetic towards them.
Michel works very concentrated and is an easy-to-handle dog.

He likes to work very much and can concentrate well, but at home he calms down very quickly.
Whether in the restaurant, in the city or on other excursions. Michel participates in everything in his calm manner and, just like in dog sports, orients himself to his humans.

Michel has grown into a wonderful adult who will definitely enrich our breeding line.
Michel is available to evaluated ASCA dams as a stud dog.



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